
08escape_boredom2Getting bored is one of the most difficult things in the world getting used to, so much so that one would rather restart a dead blog (which is not anymore now) than bearing a pretty inevitable phase in one’s life. To think of it, the very intent of starting this blog a year back, almost to the very day, was to dig out of this unpleasant hole. Hence, in hindsight, it does make perfect sense restarting it for the same reasons.

The basic reason as to why someone gets bored is the sudden lack of activity or sudden lack of interest in activities around you. Probably in my case (and I am sure for most of my DD friends as well) it’s a combination of both. Common ways off staving it off like watching movies and past episodes of Family Guy, chatting, banner bashing, watching IPL, going out, overeating, stumbling, more stumbling have failed to remove it. This has forced me to turn to random stuffs like going to lab, shaving once in every 3 days and re-trying out reggae & hiphop. Going to lab did seem to be interesting for a whhhhile (Stewie style);  shaving does take it away, but that’s again 20 mins of activity in 3 days; however the latter turned out to be a disappointing affair again. No matter how much I try, I simply can’t appreciate those genres of music. So here it is, my last resort, my last attempt to free myself from the chains of boredom.

P.S: The above post may be a yawn inducing one, but I promise better ones once I get over this transient and perennial (well they are oxymorons, but what the hell!!!I am bored!) phase.

~ by rastapopulus on May 13, 2009.

3 Responses to “Bored!”

  1. fuck all

  2. what do you mean?

  3. 1. try shaving other parts of your body!
    2. Read and get inspired by my todo list! – scope you get bored….infact you might die of anti-boredom, its a pure anti-boredom pill

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